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Events of February: Spring Festival - the 10th of February 2013! 11th February - Commemoration of the Founding of the Nation in Japan 12th February 1912 - Demising Qin dynasty and foundation Chinese Republic 24th February 2013 - Yuanxiao(Lamps Festival) holiday, usually celebrated on the 15th day of the 1st month. Events of January: 5th January 1941 - Hayao MIYAZAKI, a promiment Japanese film director and manga artist, was born The second Monday(14th January 2013) - The day of reaching of the full legal age in Japan 18th January 1947 - Takeshi KITANO, Japanese film director and actor, was born 20th January 1899 - Kendziro TAKAYANAGI, the founder of JVC corporation and the inventor of TV set 23rd January 1907 - Hideki YUKAWA, Japanese physicist winning Nobel Prize in 1949, was born 26th January 1921 - Akio MORITA, one of the founders "SONY" corporation, was born 31st January 1935 - Kenzaburo OE, Japanese writer winning Nobel Prize, was born. Events of December: 1st December - Cinema Day in Japan 23rd December - Emperor's Birthday in Japan 26th December 1893 - Mao Ze Dong, the famous Chairman of New China, was born Events of November: 3rd November - Culture Day in Japan 9th November 1867 - Meiji Revolution happened in Japan 17th November 1906 - Soichiro HONDA, the founder HONDA company, was born 23rd November - Labor-Thanksgiving Day in Japan 27th November 1940 - Bruce Lee, famous film star, the master of oriental martial arts, was born Events of October: 1st October - the Day of foundation Chinese People's Republic 10th October - Health-Sports Day in Japan 15-16th October 2003 - the first space flight of Chinese cosmonaut, Yang Li Wei 21st October 1760 - Katshushika HOKUSAI, Japanese painter, was born 31st October 1887 - Chang Kai-shek, the head of Gomindan government in China, was born Events of September: 17th September 2012 - Respect-for-the-Aged Day in Japan 23rd September - Equinox! 24th September 1550 - Tang Xian Zu, Chinese playwright and poet was born 25th September 1881 - Lu Xun, Chinese writer was born 29th September 551BC - Confucious's birthday, the famous ancient Chinese philosopher 30th September 2012 - Zhongqiu(The middle of automn) holiday, usually celebrated on the 15th day of the 8th month according lunar calendar more Events of August: 1st August - the Day of foundation Chinese People's Liberation Army 8th August 1966- The Central Committee of Chinese Communistic Party announced about the beginning of "The Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution in China 13-15th August - Bon Festival in Japan 16th August 1926 - Jiang Ze Min, ex-Chairman of China, was born 22nd August 1904 - Deng Xiao Ping's birthday 24th August 1948 - Jean-Michel Jarre's birthday, the first Western musician, who gave a concert in Communistic China 27th August - All-Japanese fireworks contest Events of July: 1st July - the Day of foundation Chinese Communist Party 7th July(in some places on 7th August) - Tanabata Festival 16th July 2012 - the Day of the Sea in Japan Events of June: 7th June 1965 - SONY corporation presented the first videotape recorder, which weighed 20 kg and had 995 US dollar price. 10th June - the Festival of Water-Clock in Japan 17th June 2012 - Father's Day in Japan Events of May: 1st May - May Day 3rd May - Constitution Day in Japan 4th May - Day of Chinese Youth 5th May - Children's Day in Japan 13th May 2012 - Mother's Day in Japan Events of April: 1st April 1920 - Tosiro MIFUNE, Japanese actor, who played in samurai movies, was born 4th April 2012 - Qingming(the day of memory dead relatives and famous persons) 8th April 563BC - SIDDHARTHA GAUTAMA, who got the name BUDDHA later, was born 24th April 1970 - the first Chinese satellite was successfully launched 29th April 1901 - Hirohito, Japanese Emperor was born 29th April - Greenery Day in Japan Events of March: 1st March 1892 - Runoske AKUTAGAWA, the famous Japanese writer was born 3rd March - Doll Festival in Japan 5th March 1898 - Zhou En Lai, Chinese Prime-Minister, was born 7th March 1924 - Kobo ABE, the famous Japanese writer was born 8th March - International Women's Day 20th March - Vernal Equinox Day 23rd March 1910 - Akira KUROSAWA, Japanese film director was born
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